The Genealogical Society of New Jersey| www.gsnj.org
2024 Genealogy Conference
Saturday, 20 July 2024
Our 2024 Genealogy Conference will be VIRTUAL via Zoom this year to reach as many GSNJ members and non-members located across the United States and the world as possible. We planned an exciting program with eight presentations divided into two tracks. Join us for a fun-filled day to learn about researching women serving in the US Army during World War II, veterans when military records are missing, and Canadian ancestors. Other topics include using lesser-known records in your research, the importance of social history in genealogy, writing your family story, crafting citations, and decoding non-English language records.
All presentations will be recorded and available for viewing by pre-registered attendees only until 30 August 2024.
Closed Captioning is available during the sessions.
Registration is closed. See the Registration tab for instructions for late registration.
Door Prizes
FindMyPast: 12 month Ultimate membership
Fold3: 1-year membership
GenealogyBank: 1-year membership
GSNJ: 1-year membership (2)
GSNJ: 1 complimentary ticket for 2025 Genealogy Conference
Legacy FamilyTreeWebinars: 1-year membership (2)
MyHeritage: 1-year MyHeritage Complete membership
NGS: Research in the States guide
Newspapers: 1-year membership
NYG&B: 1-year membership
RootsMagic: 1 copy of RootsMagic 10
Schedule (All times are Eastern Daylight Time)
9:45 am—Waiting room opens for attendees
10:00 am—Opening Remarks: Melissa Johnson, CG®, GSNJ President
10:15 am—Session 1A: No OMPF? No Problem! Sara Cochran
10:15 am—Session 1B: What is Social History and Why Should a Genealogist Care? Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
11:30 am—Session 2A: Tips & Tricks for Lesser-Known Record Types, Deanna Korte
11:30 am—Session 2B: What Did You Do in the War, Granny? Women in the Army in World War II, Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
12:30 pm—Lunch Break
1:15 pm—Door prize drawings
1:30 pm—Session 3A: What’s in Your Canadian Genealogy Toolbox? Kathryn Lake Hogan
1:30 pm—Session 3B: Get Organized to Write Your Family Stories, Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
2:45 pm—Session 4A: Help! My Records Are Not in English, Bryna O’Sullivan
2:45 pm—Session 4B: Citations: Not as Scary as You Think, Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
Each presentation is forty-five (45) minutes followed by fifteen (15) minute Q&A, with a fifteen (15) minute break between presentations. The schedule and speakers are subject to change. See www.gsnj.org for updates.
Attendees MUST provide a working email address at the time of registration. A working internet connection is required to access the virtual conference. The syllabus, conference link and Zoom instructions will be emailed to attendees on 18 July 2024.
Presentation Descriptions
Each presentation is forty-five (45) minutes followed by fifteen (15) minute Q&A, with a fifteen (15) minute break between presentations.
Session 1A: No OMPF? No Problem!
Sara Cochran
Researching 20th Century veterans is especially difficult as a fire destroyed millions of Compiled Military Service Records in 1973. This session will look at other ways to find the stories of the WWI and WII veterans in our families.
Session 1B: What is Social History and Why Should a Genealogist Care?
Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
Social history is the history of ordinary people and how they lived their daily lives. It seeks to fill in the rich details of the past. Learn how social history can both improve our research skills and help us better understand and tell the stories of our ancestors’ lives.
Session 2A: Tips & Tricks for Lesser-Known Record Types
Deanna Korte
A discussion of tools, tips and tricks using record sets that will take your genealogical research to the next level.
Session 2B: What Did You Do in the War, Granny? Women in the Army in World War II
Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
Over 150,000 women served in the Army in World War II. Women’s military service in this time period helped change expectations and perceptions about women’s role outside the home. Learn about their pioneering wartime service and how to find records for the women in your family who served.
Session 3A: What’s in Your Canadian Genealogy Toolbox?
Kathryn Lake Hogan
Explore the top websites for researching your ancestors in Canada. Learn where to find the best resources for Canadian and provincial record groups, history, newspapers, land records, maps, photographs and more to help you fill your Canadian genealogy toolbox.
Session 3B: Get Organized to Write Your Family Stories
Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
Sharing our family stories is critical so those stories don’t get lost. But it can be very daunting to know how to get started. Learn some ways to organize your space, your time, your ideas, and your research results that will make it easier for you to write them up.
Session 4A: Help! My Records Are Not in English
Bryna O’Sullivan
This presentation will guide in decoding non-English language records; share resources for exploring records on your own; and identify when you need a translator.
Session 4B: Citations: Not as Scary as You Think
Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
Citing our sources as we research is an important part of good research practices. It also saves us time and frustration. Many family historians find citations intimidating and confusing, but they don’t have to be. Learn how to feel confident that you can cite sources without fear.
The syllabus will include all handouts.
Speaker Biographies
Sara Cochran
Sara is a full-time professional genealogist with thirty years of research experience. She holds a Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate and a Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science. Find her online at TheSkeletonWhisperer.com.
- No OMPF? No Problem!
Kathryn Lake Hogan, UE, PLCGS
Kathryn was born, raised and is still living in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. She is a professional genealogist and educator with deep roots in Canada through her Loyalist ancestors.
- What’s in Your Canadian Genealogy Toolbox?
Deanna Korte
Deanna Korte is a genealogical writer, lecturer, and editor of the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, with extensive experience using dynamic record sets.
- Tips & Tricks for Lesser-Known Record Types
Annette Burke Lyttle, CG®
Annette Burke Lyttle speaks on a variety of genealogical topics and loves helping people uncover and share their family stories. She is past president of the Association of Professional Genealogists and edits The Florida Genealogist.
- Citations: Not as Scary as You Think
- What is Social History and Why Should a Genealogist Care?
- Get Organized to Write Your Family Stories
- What Did You Do in the War, Granny? Women in the Army in World War II
Bryna O’Sullivan
Bryna O’Sullivan is a Middletown, CT based professional genealogist and French to English genealogical translator.
- Help! My Records Are Not in English
Registration is Closed. See below for instructions for late registration.
Online Registration
Online Registration is Closed as we prepare for the event. Email sales@njgenealogy.com to register.
Mail In Registration Form
Mail-In Registration is Closed as we prepare for the event. Email sales@njgenealogy.com to register.
If you have questions, contact GSNJ at programs@gsnj.org.