GSNJ Contacts

The Genealogical Society of New Jersey
PO Box 1476
Trenton, NJ 08607-1476

Research Queries:
Corresponding Secretary, P.O. Box 664, Hopewell, NJ 08525

GSNJ President and General Inquiries

Mary Szaro, CG—

GSNJ Membership Chair

Lisa Minerd—

GSNJ Publication Sales

GSNJ Publication

GSNJ Webmaster

Joan E. Betancourt—

Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey (GMNJ)

Deanna Korte,

GSNJ Newsletter

Mary Szaro, CG,

GSNJ Program Chair


GSNJ Manuscripts Committee Chair

Janet T. Riemer—

GSNJ Bible & Family Records Chair

Elizabeth DeSapio—

Corrections or Additions to GSNJ’s New Jersey Societies, Libraries, and Archives List


GSNJ Collections Research Inquiries

Found an item that interests you? Looking for information on a particular GSNJ collection or surname? Please contact GSNJ’s Corresponding Secretary for information about GSNJ’s Collections and to obtain copies of materials in the collections.

Social Media and Mail Lists

Follow news of GSNJ’s events, select events from New Jersey State and County Societies, as well as news of interest to the New Jersey genealogical research community!

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