Virginia A. Brown Papers
The Genealogical Society of New Jersey
Prepared by Janet T. Riemer – 2016
The collection is primarily the work of Virginia Alleman Brown, (1914-2015). A librarian by profession, she was also a noted genealogist. She carried on the work of her mother Helen Potter Alleman and some of the items in the collection are those Virginia inherited from Helen. These folders are labeled (HPA).
Both Virginia and Helen worked on families in northwestern New Jersey and northeastern Pennsylvania. As some families lived on both sides of the Delaware River, there has been no distinction in the files. A (p) after a file name on a listing, indicates the presence of one or more photographs in the file.
Surnames |
Adams |
Albertson |
Albright |
Allen |
Allison |
Amey/Emig |
Anderson |
Andersson/Beavers |
Axford |
Ayres/Ayers |
Ayres, Ezekiel & Obadiah |
Bainbridge |
Baker |
Baldwin (HPA) |
Ball (HPA) |
Banghart |
Barbar |
Barber |
Barkalow/Barcalow |
Barker |
Barton |
Bartow |
Batchelor/Williams |
Baylor |
Beach |
Beakes |
Beatty |
Beavers |
Beekman |
Bennet |
Bird, Stewart |
Bixler |
Blachly |
Blair |
Blair (HPA) |
Blauvelt |
Bond/Crowell |
Bond Bible Record |
Bonnel (HPA) |
Bonney/Bonnet (HPA) |
Botsford |
Boudinot |
Bowlby (HPA) |
Bowne (HPA) |
Brands |
Bray |
Brittan/Britton |
Broadwell |
Brokaw |
Brower |
Brown – Hardwick/Knowlton |
Index Deeds – Sussex/Warren/W. Jersey/Proprietors |
Brown (Union, Brick) |
Bruen |
Brugler |
Bryan |
Bry-Nildsen |
Budd |
Bull, Thomas |
Burd |
Burdge |
Burnet |
Burt |
Butler (Howell, Barton, McMurtrie, Underhill, Clark) |
Butts |
Byington |
Caldwell |
Camfield |
Carhart |
Carney (Kerney, Kearney) |
Carpenter |
Carr |
Carter |
Case |
Chidester |
Clark |
Clayton |
Cline/Klyne |
Coleman |
Condit |
Conkling |
Cook Bible |
Cooper |
Corle /Curl/ Cull (HPA) |
Correll /Coryell (HPA) |
Corwin |
Coryell |
Coursen |
Cowell |
Cox/Coxe |
Craig – 1 of 2 |
Surnames |
Craig – 2 of 2 |
Crane |
Crater |
Creasy |
Cressman |
Cressman (HPA) |
Creveling |
Creveling (HPA) |
Croop |
Cross |
Crouse /Kraus (HPA) |
Crowell |
Croxall |
Cruger /Cregar/ Kruger |
Crum (HPA) |
Cruse |
Crusen |
Crusen/Cruser/ Krusen (HPA) |
Cryling Kryling |
Cummins |
Cummins /Cummings (HPA) |
Cutler |
Cyphers |
Dan |
Daringer |
Darron (HPA) |
Daubert (HPA) |
Davis |
Davis (HPA) |
Davison (p) |
Dawes (HPA) |
Day |
Dayton |
Dean |
Deats |
Decker |
Decker (HPA) |
Deemer |
Deeter |
DeHart |
DeHaven (HPA) |
DeLong (HPA) |
Demarest (HPA) |
Denman (HPA) |
Dennis |
DePue (1 of 2) |
DePue (2 of 2) |
Derenberger |
Derr (HPA) |
DeSchwinitz (HPA) |
Detarre/Detpot/Tetar (HPA) |
Devoe (HPA) |
DeVore |
DeWitt |
Dewitt (HPA) |
Dickinson/Dickerson |
Diebert/Deibert/Denbert |
Dieter/Dietrich (HPA) |
Dietz |
Dildine/Dodder (HPA) |
Dillman (HPA) |
Dilts |
Ditmas |
Dodd |
Dodendorf (HPA) |
Dorscheimer (HPA) |
Drake |
Dreisbach (HPA) |
Dull (HPA) |
Dumont |
Dunham (HPA) |
Durling (HPA) |
Dusenberry |
Dusenberry – The House |
Dusenbury |
Dusenbury (HPA) |
Earl/Earle |
Eckel |
Edmunds (HPA) |
Edwards (HPA) |
Egbert (HPA) |
Eisenham (HPA) |
Emery |
Engler (HPA) |
Erwin-Willever (1 of 2) |
Erwin-Willever (2 of 2) |
Esch /Asch (HPA) |
Evans (HPA) |
Eveland (1 of 2) |
Eveland (2 of 2) |
Eveland (HPA) |
Everett (HPA) |
Fein /Fine |
Feit |
Fisher |
Surnames |
FitzRandolph |
Fleming |
Friese |
Fritz /Fritts |
Gardiner |
Gardner |
Groendike Bible |
Groendyck |
Hadden |
Hageman /Hegeman/ Hagerman |
Hall |
Halsey |
Hamilton |
Hamlin |
Hampton |
Haney |
Harris |
Harrison |
Hart |
Haugawout |
Hazelitt /Hazlitt (HPA) |
Hendershot |
Henry |
Hibler |
Hines /Hinds |
Hoffman |
Holloway |
Hoover |
Hornbaker |
Hornbeck |
Horton |
Howell |
Hughes |
Hughes (HPA) |
Hulsizer |
Hunt |
Innes (Ennes) |
Insley |
Johnson |
Johnson (HPA) |
Jones |
Keeper |
Keller |
Kennedy |
Kerr |
Ketcham |
Keyser |
Kimenour |
Kinney (1 of 2) |
Kinney (2 of 2) |
Kinsey |
Kip |
Kirkbride |
Kirkendall (1 of 2) |
Surnames |
Kirkendall (2 of 2) |
Kirkhuff |
Kirkpatrick |
Kitchell |
Kitcher |
Knoff |
Labar |
Lafayette |
Lake |
Lake/Hunt |
Lambert/Norton |
Lambertson, Christian |
Lambertson /Lommerson |
Landis |
Lane |
Lantz |
Lanning |
Lanterman |
Lefffler |
Lewis |
Lincoln |
Linn/Lynn |
Little, James |
Lockard |
Lomasson |
Longstreet |
Looker |
Love /Wandling |
McAllister |
McCracken |
McCullough |
McDonald |
McElroy/McIlroy |
McKinney |
McKinney/Davison |
McMurtrie |
McMurtrie/Sloan/Shippen |
Mackey |
Magie |
Mann |
Martin |
Matlack |
Maxwell |
Meeker (HPA) |
Melyn |
Merrell |
Meserole (Miserole) |
Miller |
Miller (HPA) |
Miller/Cross/Innes |
Mixsell |
Moll |
Moulenaar/Miller |
Mulford |
Naylor |
Norcross |
Norton |
Ogden |
Osgood/Ingalls |
Ott |
Paradise |
Park (Parke, Parks) |
Paul |
Paul Family, Grand Tour |
Peppard |
Pettit (HPA) |
Petty |
Phillips |
Pierson |
Plum |
Pope, Lori (correspondence with) |
Provoost Bible Record l |
Pudebach |
Ramsey |
Raub |
Reading |
Surnames |
Reed/Read (1 of 2) |
Reed/Read (2 of 2) |
Reeve |
Rensselaer |
Rhea |
Riggs |
Robeson/Robb |
Robeson/Sterling |
Robbins |
Robins |
Rockafeller |
Rodenbaugh/Wandling |
Roll |
Roseberry |
Rosenberger |
Rosebrough/Rosbrugh |
Runyan |
Russell |
Schellinger (Skellenger) |
Schermerhorn (HPA) |
Schultz |
Scranton |
Seigle |
Seiple |
Sergeant/Sergent |
Severns |
Sharp |
Sherwood |
Shields |
Shipman |
Shippen (1 of 4) |
Shippen (2 of 4) |
Shippen (3 of 4) |
Shippen (4 of 4) |
Shippens |
Shoemaker |
Silverthorn |
Simanton |
Sitgraves/Seagraves |
Sloan |
Smalley |
Smith |
Snell |
Snover |
Snyder |
Spangenburg |
Springsteen (HPA) |
Squire |
Stewart (1 of 2) |
Stewart (2 of 2) |
Stiger |
Stout (1 of 2) |
Stout (2 of 2) |
Struble |
Summers |
Sutton |
Suydam |
Surnames |
Swayze (1 of 2) |
Swayze (2 of 2) |
Swick |
Symmes |
Tapping |
Taylor |
Teas |
Teeter |
Thompson |
Tiffany/Wilmarth |
Titman |
Townley |
Treat |
Tremble/Trembley |
Van Garden/Van Gorder |
Vliet |
Voorhees (1 of 2) |
Voorhees (2 of 2) |
Waer |
Wakeman |
Wall |
Wandling |
Ward |
Warne |
Warren, Joseph |
Washburn/Devoor |
Weiser |
Weller |
Wheeler |
White |
Whitsell |
Willis |
Williamson |
Wilmarth |
Wilson |
Winans |
Wintermute |
Winters |
Wire |
Wickoff/Wycoff |
Woodruff |
Yard |
Geographical and Miscellaneous |
Abbreviations |
Alphabet of Warren Families |
Annuals of the American Pulpit |
Articles |
Belvidere (1 of 2) |
Belvidere (2 of 2) |
Bibliographies |
Bibliography of Warren Family Compilation |
Bloomsbury – Vliet Cemetery |
Bucks County, PA – Cemeteries & Church Records |
Charcoal Making |
Colonial Dames Register of Ancestors |
Connecticut Farms Cemetery – Revolutionary War Burials |
Court Case – 1836 (photo copy) |
Essex County Marriages |
Genealogical Index – NJHS |
Great Society Tenants |
Holland Society – Index to Published Records |
Huguenots |
Iron Making |
Jugtown Mountain – Meany Murder? |
Justice of the Peace |
Lawrence |
Mansfield Woodhouse Church |
Maps |
Marriage Records – NJ – 1665-1800 |
Marriage Records – NY – 1753-1783 |
Newark Directory, 1836-7 |
Newark Covenants |
Newark Evening News |
Newark First Settlers |
New Jersey Laws – Missing Heirs |
New York Wills |
Oxford Families |
Oxford Furnace (1 of 2) |
Oxford Furnace (2 of 2) |
Oxford Town Book |
Pennsylvania |
Quakers |
Ramseyburg Store |
Revolutionary War, NJ Militia |
Rockport |
St. Peter’s Church, Perth Amboy |
Sussex – House Pictures |
Sussex County |
The Furnace |
Tinnicum – Erwin Burying Ground |
Tinnicum – Index to Red Hill Presbyterian Church |
Tranquility Farms |
Warren County – Courthouse |
Warren County – Doctors of Medicine |
Warren Marriages |
Warren County Marriages (1 of 2) |
Warren County Marriages (2 of 2) |
Warren County Marriages – Notes |
Warren County Wills |
Warren Miscellaneous |
Washington Boro – Electricity & Post Cards |
Washington Township |
Williams Township, Northampton County, PA |
Yellow Frame Presbyterian Church |
Youth Detention Institute (p) |